Symptoms You Should Never Ignore When Being Bullied at Work
Bullying in the workplace is becoming a common trend nowadays. This includes any form of harassment, be it mental or physical, which harms the victim’s overall health. Failure to identify the signs of bullying may lead to psychological distress in the long run. This article will help you determine if you are being bullied at work.
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An employee cannot complete any form of work without receiving harsh constructive critiquing. Normally, feedback is given through affirmations and critiques, nonetheless, where bullying occurs, there is only demeaning feedback coupled with ridicule. In case a worker’s supervisor inaccurately describes or passes contemptuous remarks about his or her work, there is a likelihood that bullying is happening. Those who belittle or demean others are masters in manipulation who seek to destroy another person’s self-esteem and confidence.
- Isolation From Corporate Functions
Nothing screams bullying more than excluding your subordinate from important meetings, events, or even emails. While it is not preferred, being left out of social interactions at the workplace can be profoundly demotivating.
This also sends a message that you are not part of the team, which is emotionally damaging and retrogressive to your career.
3. Unrealistic Deadlines and Workloads
Setting unachievable targets or excessive targets can be a sign of bullying aimed at setting someone up to fail. This bullying is designed to create the perception that you are incompetent and inefficient when in reality, bullying makes otherwise competent individuals struggle to perform normally. If you find yourself in a cycle of trying to meet unreasonable demands, this may be a sign of bullying.
4. Sabotage
Workplace bullying may resort to the extreme of undermining your work through sabotage. This includes withholding information, changing work without one’s knowledge, or even taking undue credit. Sabotage not only affects productivity but also damages the victim’s reputation within the organization. This behavior must be recognized and dealt with to protect one’s career.
5. Gossip and Rumours
Bullying you by spreading lies has the potential to destroy your image and harm your relationships at work.
If you feel that gossip is becoming a problem, or that your coworkers have made derogatory comments about you based on misleading information, it is crucial for you to resolve the issue quickly. As previously stated, gossip can damage the company culture and should not be permitted.
6. Intimidation and Threats
Verbal or physical attacks of any kind are classified as bullying under the umbrella of intimidation and threats. This includes negatively charged gestures, shouting, or issuing threats regarding your employment. Such behavior fosters detrimental workplace culture and can cause severe emotional damage. These events must be recorded and presented to HR or higher management without delay.
7. Unwarranted Blame
You are likely being bullied if you are unjustly held responsible for a particular problem that is not your doing. To place blame on their target, some bullies will pass the responsibility onto other people. Should you find yourself in this position often, it is best to fight back because what is truly needed is self-advocacy, evidence, and proper factual statements.
8. Public Humiliation
Public humiliation can include shouting at someone in front of other coworkers or pointing out their mistakes during a meeting. This form of bullying serves the purpose of consolidating control over a target and captivating the attention of all participants.
This can harm your self-perception greatly and reputationally as a professional you suffer as well. It is advisable to take steps to correct this behavior and consult HR or a trusted manager for assistance.
9. Withholding Resources And Support
To achieve these objectives, the bully may deny you the requisite resources, support, or training. This could mean refusal to provide tools, information, and any other aids required for professional development. Lacking these tools can make you ineffective at your job, subjecting you to further ridicule and scorn. If you recognize early these patterns emerging, you will know how to defend yourself.
10. Personal Attacks
Personal attacks involve bullying you and launching diatribes about your character, looks, or aspects of your life. Their goal is to make you feel helpless, and alone by disparaging you and stripping you of your humanity. If you endure such diabolical actions, you must understand them and that these are steps to harm you in an attempt to bully you and defend yourself. Keep records of these attacks and report them to HR or a trusted person.
11. Manipulative Behavior
Acts of bullying involve manipulative behaviors, including mental torment, gaslighting, and weaponization of your weaknesses. This is bullying. Manipulative controls set out to attack, dominate, and dictate their targets through deception and self-doubt.
When you suspect a co-worker or a supervisor is trying to exploit you, it is a good idea to follow your gut feeling and ask for help.
12. Retaliation
If you are being bullied, retaliation for asserting yourself is an obvious red flag. If, after reporting bullying or standing your ground, you are demoted, assigned less favorable duties, or blocked from other opportunities, these are consequences that warrant further attention. Many places have laws against retaliation; it can be pursued properly.
13. Physical Symptoms
Bullying adversely affects one’s well-being, giving rise to headaches, digestive issues, insomnia, heightened anxiety, and other consequences. If these symptoms arise in conjunction with your workplace, it suffices to say that bullying is well within the realm of possibilities and requires immediate remedial action. Never compromise your health and well-being.
14. Decline in Job Performance
An observable decline in job performance, despite dedicating considerable effort to the role, reflects bullying. Intense bullying may adversely impact an individual’s ability to concentrate, make decisions, and fulfill their responsibilities.
If you feel that your performance is suffering and you do not know why, it could be due to bullying.
15. Isolation
Bullying can take the form of social isolation from coworkers, as well as exclusion from interactions with other people. This form of exclusion can make you feel unsupported and lead to loneliness. Prolonged isolation and loneliness can negatively impact your mental and overall health, and job performance, and lead to depression. If you notice that you are being cut off from a group gradually, it is time to talk to some trusted coworkers or a professional.
Identifying the forms of bullying that may be occurring in a workplace environment is the first step to solving the problem. If you are experiencing any of these signs, act on them without delay. Collect evidence, report to HR talk to someone you trust in management, and seek counseling if necessary. You are entitled to a workplace free from bullying, and reporting early can help to mitigate negative effects on health and career prospects.
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